
Archive for March 14th, 2011

Something I have not yet addressed is where one would go (besides the actual wineries) to get their hands on some of the wines I have been looking at. I have not been to every wine store in Edmonton, though I have been trying. Instead, I will detail the ones I that I frequent and give you the good and not-so-good of each.

Baseline Wine and Spirits – While not technically in Edmonton, this has been a go-to store for me for many years. Their selection of higher-end wines is always good, with new and interesting wines always rotating through. They heavily favor reds, so this is not the best place to look for expensive Chardonnays. The staff are friendly and helpful, but can at times be a bit too involved in helping you make your selections. The selection of average priced wines (up to $20) can be a bit lacking at times, but I understand that there is a limit to what can be packed into any store. They do also offer monthly sit-down tastings for a small fee, which can be quite educational for those looking to get acquainted with various wines and wine regions.

210, 222 Baseline Road, Sherwood Park (next to Save-On Foods)

Crestwood Fine Wine and Spirits – A store with institutional status on the west side, this store takes wine very seriously. With a large selection for a small store, there is no end to the treasures that can be found here (with appropriately high prices). This is where you go to find a mid to high priced bottle of the good stuff. The staff here are friendly and less likely to offer suggestions without being asked. Not to be missed are the open house wine tastings that they put on a couple times a year – the last one I attended offered 20+ very nice wines along with various hors d’oeuvres.

9658 – 142 Street, Edmonton

deVine Wines and Spirits – Conveniently located just off Jasper Avenue downtown, parking near the store can be anything but. If you do manage to find a spot, this wine shop has a good selection of wines from around the world (their microbrew beer case is well-stocked as well). The staff here can be little standoffish, but will do their best to answer any questions you may have. They also have tastings quite often, covering a wide range of wines.

10111 – 104 Street, Edmonton

Vinomania – Also located downtown, this one can be a little hard to get into with its less than ideal hours (ie. closed Sundays). They do, however, have a decent selection of Italian and French wines, with most of my B.C. favorites also represented. Their prices tend to be a little higher than everyone else, so they may not always be your first stop. If there is a wine that you can’t find anywhere else, there is a good chance they might have it here. They, too, often have wine tastings and even have a wine dispenser machine at the front of the store where you can have a glass of wine at pretty much any time (for a small fee). I haven’t used it yet, but might have to one of these days.

11452 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton

Obviously, I will be plugging new stores as I deem them noteworthy, but for now these will remain my stand-bys.

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